Monday, December 18, 2017

Tropic Winds-Supermoon, evening fires, Christmas coming, SNOW!, Iwo Jima

We arrived at Tropic Winds on November 29th and have been busy with sightseeing,  shopping, meeting other rvers, going into Mexico, sitting by the fire in the evening, viewing a supermoon, potlucks, and any activity that's compatible with fun.

Our supermoon.

Fireside friend's and a supermoon.

Four pickleball courts at Tropic Winds.  Three indoor at Sunshine.  Three indoor at Fun N Sun.

Lots of opportunities for pickleball in Harlingen Encore parks.

Sunshine indoor courts is a lobbers mightmare.  Fans and ducting above. Actually it's interesting to see where the spinning fans can shoot the ball.

5:30 a.m. I woke up to snow.

The snow continued until we had a nice Christmassy blanket.  Just enough for a few well aimed window shots.

Setting up for the holidays, with a snowy backdrop.

Stockings are hung by the chimney with care.

I also kept busy embroidering a turkey and Christmas tree.

Marine Military Academy in Harlingen, Texas.  This Iwo Jima statue is the actual working model used to cast the bronze one in Washington.  Creator Dr de Weldon gifted it in 1981 to the Marine Corp and the Academy.

It is made of plaster and gets a new coat of paint yearly.

Still having fun.  Just finishing up a week out at the Elks Lodge.  Returning to Tropic Winds on Wednesday.  Heading back to Arizona on January 3rd.  Thanks for visiting.

Visit again.


1 comment:

  1. Snow? I thought your ambition was to miss the cold weather???? 😘
