Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Beautiful Cascades

Such beauty.  A four month drought of sunshine makes you appreciate the majesty of the Cascades and the freshness of clouds hugging the peaks and valleys. 

 We even got to enjoy a fresh snowfall.  Larry and Gail are about 5 miles ahead, clearing the road for us.

A nice drive through Leavenworth brought back memories of our 2013 departure for the east coast, also through Leavenworth. 

An hour later and we had completed day one of our winter journey to Texas and back.  

Arrived at Crescent Bar RV Park for a brief overnight stay before heading off for Idaho in the morning.  

A beautiful day in Crescent Bar. 

So being just a day into our adventure, there's not much to jaw about yet.  We hope y'all continue to follow us.  Looking forward to more to come.



  1. Are you staying at Tropic Winds in Harlingen?

  2. You are very talented girl! Hope you are feeling much better! We leave next week for Surprise AZ! Safe travels and thanks for including me!! Hugs..
