Sunday, September 24, 2017

Newport, Washington

Piled into car and headed north to Newport, WA.  Nice little town far from anything.  Found a local market and pulled over to check it out.  Not much produce but interesting all the same.  

Lots of logging going on in Newport and plenty of old equipment to prove it.

Owen is a founding namesake in Newport and we wandered into the little market named Owen's and stumbled onto a great treat.  An old building and business established in 1938.

And of course who but Larry, Bill and Gail could turn down a soda fountain treat.

 Drove out to Little Diamond TT park outside Newport, WA.  Nice campground but almost empty.  It is cooling down big time in the evenings up here.  Days are cool too but clear and crisp and beautiful.

Heading to back to Newport we decided to stop at the Historical Museum in town.  Museums are always so interesting.  We were able to transport ourselves back to the early 1900's in Newport, WA.

The old train depot is the core of the museum with a huge assortment of settler lifestyle items.

The main depot office.

Old Caboose and buildings relocated from various areas around Newport.

 Old Clark Saw Mill.  Also a founding father, he homestead 160 acres near Diamond Lake and moved this saw mill each time he bought more land.  He made part of his fortune selling lumber for casket building.

 Biddie, orneriest dog in Newport. Historical Museum welcome hostess.

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