Saturday, November 18, 2017

Quirky Day in Columbus, Texas

Overcast morning with a promise of sunshine.  Must be town open market day.  And we were off.  Okay not a real big turnout but interesting all the same.  Got some fresh green peppers.

Curiosity got us to check out this "attraction" about 6 miles west of our park.

Quirky Country Market

(Industrial Country Market – Columbus, TX)

6300 sq ft OFF-GRID Retail Store

45,000 Gallon Rainwater Collection

Inside it was full to the brim with "stuff".

But outside was the most interesting.   GREEN LIVING.  All solar powered, rainwater, greenhouses,  and Yard Art.

What some people can create out of discarded junk.  Some beautiful, some amazing, some just head shakers.

See how many everyday items you can spot. 


This is Meow.  A very friskie kitten, maybe a year old.  Sharp claws too.  But what a cutie.

Meow made my day with her playfulness.

An interesting morning.  Now back to the park to make ready to head into Houston.   So anxious to go to NASA and Galveston.

Thanks for visiting.  Come back soon.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your adventures! Some of that stuff looks far out, but interesting. Like the solar and plants too.
