Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Thousand Trails Lake Medina

 I would be remiss if I didn't share the interesting TT park at Lake Medina that we've enjoyed over the past two weeks.

Spettel Riverside House.  

Built in 1881.

This once beautiful old house is now settled in for it's final years.  Decades of no use and declining maintenance has taken it's toll.  Still, the once beautiful countenance manages to peak through.

A true beauty in her time.

During the late 1800's and early 1900's I can just visualize the wicker rockers, small tables with pitchers of lemonade being enjoyed by the family on a warm summer evening.

Two out buildings. Possibly for staff.  One is now the park laundry room.

In the distance you can see the barn.  Not sure if it came up with the house or has always been there.

This barn is every bit as rickety as the house.

One of the most endearing experience of visiting this park are the deers.  They walk freely about the park in large numbers, with no natural predators around.  The babies are most skittish.   The older ones easily recognize the rustle of plastic feed bags and quickly approach for corn kibble.  Many eating right out of your palm.

A few gathering outside our rig anticipating a morning feed.

These two little ones were more comfortable eating at the table.

So cute. That's not a yellow front tooth.  I just captured the picture at the funny moment.

Marilyn Thomas shares this photo she captured of the lone white deer.  This one I've yet to see.  The Grand Matriarch. 

The gang and our deers.

Just outside our window.

Pickleball anyone?

We did manage to get in a few games daily over the past week.  Unusual to play under a roof with no walls.  Outside but not outside.  If it rains we're in luck.

Marilyn, Mar, Bill and me getting ready to play a few games.

I want this.

A portable net works great.  We turn the overhead lights on and we're in business.

So our two weeks is almost up.  Next stop TT Colorado River in Columbus,  Texas, just west of Houston and NASA.

Thanks for following.



  1. Replies
    1. They are so friendly and trusting. Every park needs them.

  2. Your photos are so endeering. Glad your enjoying the area.
    Did you go up to Fredericksburg and go through the military museum of the Pacific wars. How about LBJ ranch.
    Both are must see. Plan to spend two days going through the museum.
    On weekends they have a mock war on a bunker with tanks, flame throwers. The guys would like that. Have fun

    1. Did go to Fredericksburg and to Luckenbach. Did not know LBJ ranch was in that area. Did not catch the museum. Ran short on time. Next trip. Maybe we can go to LBJ library in Austin.
