Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rockport and Hurricane Harvey

As our little caravan traveled along country roads, leaving Houston behind and Rockport in the not too far distance, we began to notice the damage from Hurricane Harvey.  The damage soon evolved to devastation.

We arrived at Bayview in Rockport to a park that survived the hurricane but not without extensive damage.

It's 3 months post Harvey and damage is still apparent and sad to view.

More park damage.
Pickleball courts.

Almost every living oak sustained damage.

Driving around the neighboring area we were shocked at the extent of the devastation.  This is one of two huge boat storage mega sheds.

Hard to imagine the force required to mangle and twist the structure beams.

The mast on this 33 ft. Westsail snapped in half.

We hopped on the car ferry that crossed the quarter mile from Aransas to Port Aransas.  

The devastation on Port Aransas is equally bad.  This house has nearly sunk into the bay.

All in the Rockport area is not destroyed.  There still remains beauty in this once thriving beach front town.  Life goes on and ships gotta go where ships gotta go.

The beaches are beautiful. People still frolic in the surf.

A curious pelican paused to offer me an over the shoulder glance and photo opt.

Shell on the beach.  Much like Rockport.  A beauty though not what it once was.  Unlike the shell, and fortunate for Rockport, it will come back to it's usual beauty.

The gang, sans Jack.

Redfish Wilies.  Good food on the waterfront.

A 1000 year old living oak survives it's 1000th plus hurricane.

A beautiful sunrise each day of our stay.

Thank you again for visiting.  Please come again.


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