Friday, October 13, 2017

Albuquerque Balloon Festival Day 3


Just 6 am and the first of the Dawn Patrol peeks up over the rig ahead of us to test the air currents.

A couple buddies join in.  Soon 6 or more will go up to investigate the skys.

The leader drifts behind our rig.

And the party begins.  Again.

We stayed in our group area this morning instead of wading through the masses.  I photographed  a live tv shot overhead of the fields. See why?

Look closely and you can see where we are parked.  Such easy access to everything.

Business end of the balloon.

He said, "Luke, stay away from the darker side. And if you start to go astray, let the force be your guide"
Oh, my Yoda
Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Yoda goes down, finding the dark side.

A short rest and we're off to another wonderful luncheon.  This time at El Pinto.  Beautiful grounds. 

Enjoying lunch with the gang.

And another awesome sunset. 

Evening glow almost launched then one balloon at far end of field broke its tether and fell into the fireworks pit, canceling the glow and delaying fireworks for 25 minutes.   No other serious damage.

Fireworks started about 830.  More great works.


Please visit again.


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