Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fredericksburg to Luckenbach, Texas

Before the cold front blows into Texas we headed out to Fredericksburg to visit the town and to have lunch at a German restaurant with a couple Larry and Gail met during their travels.

A quaint town with many old limestone buildings and the scattered reminders of a German heritage.

Originally a private residence and general store, built in 1833.  Converted to a hospital in 1938.  It's now a retail kitchen supplies store.  

Many wine tasting shops and upper end furniture and accessories shops line the streets.

We had lunch and a long visit with Mike and Linda.  We parted, leaving  Fredericksburg behind and Luckenbach in our sites.  All I knew of Luckenbach wss related to Willie Nelson's song.

The braids gave it all away.

Luckenbach,  with a population of 3, is a community in an unincorporated area 13 miles from Fredericksburg.

And what a fun place! Just plain fun walking around the grounds.  This is country music Texas style. Maybe 50 people were there milling around. I would love to be there with a capacity crowd.  What a hoot.   I think.

A sweet yard cat.

Jimmy could play anything from Willie to Jimmy Buffett  to Donna Summer.

We sat outside and enjoyed the music while quenching our thirst on soda.  This is a great picture of Larry.

Shannon and me enjoying the music.

This ones just for Bill.

Boy can we kill a day goofing around.  Ain't retirement grand.  Come back again.


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