Monday, October 23, 2017

Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park

On the road by 9 a.m. we headed back into Big Bend National Park. Everyone was looking forward to our planned hike. 

Santa Elena Canyon.  Mexico just the other side of the water.  We walked into the canyon with awe but not without mishap.

A passing hiker said this egret had been standing motionless and patiently for 2 hours.  It would stay until it caught it's fish.  It was gone when we returned after our hike.

We had to move 50 yards upstream to get across the water and hike into the canyon.  A few wet feet resulted from our absense of graciousness  and direction control.  Larry was wondering why his legs got wet.  Shannon and Gail watch in wonderment. Bill's checking the banks for lurking predators one last time. I'm safely up the bank having some giggles.

Though the Rio Grande fell short on the grande, it made up for it by it's beauty and scenic quality.

We began our upward climb taking a moment to soak up the vista or catch our breath.

Entering the canyon you realize it's size and how we pale in contrast.

It was challenging to capture the height while inside the walls.

In the distance you see the sun reaching across the far wall.

Almost to the end we reached a giant boulder resting on the river bank. Since our rock climbing days are over and the unappealing other option of swimming out into the river to pass the boulder wasn't happening, we turned back.

Our granola hiker emerges from the overgrowth.

Gail and I are having a great hike.

Here comes Larry, Gail and Bill.  Granola girl and I are out ahead scaring the snakes away.

The snake back trail below is the beginning of the hike and doubles as the end.  Down to the beach it leads us through low hanging brush.

We all used our now refined graciousness and direction control to scamper back across the stream.  All but two.  Enjoy. We got a good laugh.

Safe at last.

We piled back in the car and drove 8 miles to Castalon Visitor Center.  The most interesting was the view back to see Santa Elena Canyon.

The ranger station.

Some rusting cotton picking and processing machinery.

A beautiful panorama view as we drove back to Lajitas.

Now that was an excellent senior hike. Tomorrow we recover and make ready for our drive to San Antonio.  We've had a fun week at Maverick RV Park,  seeing the sites and taking our hikes, snakes and all.

 See you real soon.


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