Tuesday, October 24, 2017

So Long Lajitas

A recovery day from hiking gave me an incentive to clock some steps and satisfy my curiosity about the town cemetery at the entrance to Maverick Ranch.

Now a Historic Site, the Lajitas Cemetery quietly holds the remains of 26 locals, primarily Hispanics and settlers.

Keeping a steady eye out for snakes or any other creepy slitherers, I walked through the gates.  What I noticed first off was the lack of any rows or plan to the graves placement.  Many were marked only with iron cross markers.  Possibly the wooden name plates long withered away.  

Rock mounds mysteriously set haphazardly around the cemetery.  Some with only an iron cross, some with just rocks.

A veteran.

Scattered about were a few headstones of various sizes, including a family plot.

I left by the side gate with a prayer in my heart.  Rest in peace.

A parting shot.

Rounding the bend in the road I look up and see the Lajitas Peak through the trees.  This really is a peaceful place to rest for eternity.

Tomorrow we head to San Antonio,  after a stop in Fort Stockton. 

Come visit again.


1 comment:

  1. I Don't know why I wasn't following your blog but I will from now on. Do you follow letendrestraveljournal.blogspot.com?
