Saturday, October 14, 2017

Albuquerque Balloon Festival Day 4


Here we go with another totally different day from our previous two.  No wind today so the balloons lift, move slowly and lose altitude and come down.  The one below came down just in front of our gathering area.

It takes a good size crew to wrap the envelope and repack it.

Stuffing the envelope into it's bag.

And here's another one that lifted off and didn't  make it past our row.

Close up of it.  Looks like they're trying to upright the basket.

This cutie is off again.

Biggest plus for this light wind is all the balloons cluster closer together giving a view of more at one direction.

This might be a little to close.

Nice spider.

That's about it for this morning.  Time to go shopping.

Great Happy Hour  tonight.  Sadly no Evening Glow because of too high winds.  But we will have fireworks.

Instead of the Evening Glow they leave the gondolas out and they hit their burners.  It's called a Candle Light. 

That wraps up tonights program.  Again a fantastic day.  One more half day and time to head further south and into Texas.  HEEEE HAAAAAW Y'ALL. 

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