Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Terry Bison Ranch, Cheyenne, Wyoming

So much to do and see at Terry Bison Ranch.  Can only imagine how busy summer could be.

Can't have a visit without riding a bison or jackalope.

A beautiful horse presenting it's best profile.

Can you believe this cute and very friendly little squirrel.  So adorable.

Though really, what could possibly be more entertaining than a barn full of precious kittens.

We hopped on a train and chugged our way around the most interesting menagerie of animals ever seen.


Most wild and interesting were the bison.

Hand feeding.
The brute was trying to fend off treats competition. Don't mess with him.

 That's one purple, gooey, long tongue.
 We left them behind but they weren't done with us.  They could smell the treats.

Just some parting shots of the ranch.  A fun visit.  Now on to Colorado. 

Come visit again, ya hear.

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