Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Lajitas Maverick Ranch

We had some serious concerns as we followed up the rear of our 3 rig caravan down into the farthest parts of  southwestern  Texas.  Miles and miles of openness, hills and mountains. 

300 miles later we arrived at our destination.

Lajitas Peak in the distance is our view from our patio.  

Sitting outside a praying mantis walked up Gail's recliner and casually walked on her shoulder, then down onto her hand.  Carefully Gail walked her to the grass and put her down.

Shannon and Larry.

Shannon and Bill.

Shannon and Jack on far left.  Larry and Gail in the middle.  Susan and Bill on right.

It was a long day.  Happy hour was dinner.  A beautiful sunset and we went off to bed.

Good night. 
See y'all soon


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