Saturday, October 21, 2017

Presidio Bound

Off we went this morning heading to Presidio, a small town on the Rio Grande, 50 miles west of Lajitas.

Along the way we pulled off at a sign offering river access and boat launch.  We saw no boats but it was a pretty river view.

We finally found the trailhead.  Our hike for the day begins.

We are in for a real treat. Closed Canyon lies before us.

All smiles as we head into a large crack.

About 20 minutes into the canyon we came to our hikes end.  The couple ahead of us braved the crevass water pool and got to the other side.  Prospects of the unknown, we opted out. That pool did not look inviting and the rock sides were steep.

Around we turned and mosied back to the entrance.  This picture shows the daunting size of the canyon.

We made it half way to Presidio when heat and hunger turned us back towards home, but still one more stop at a river access area.  Only a 50 foot walk from the parking area we find murky river water.  The mexican word for flagstone is lajitas.  The ground we walked on down to the water looked like a paved patio.

The murky river lay before us when suddenly we hear a distinct, horribly familiar sound of a rattlesnake.  Our granola hiker launched vertically while doing a full out run horizontally.  The four of us glued to her back.

Bill and Larry dropped off and returned for pictures. After feeling assured the snake wasn't chasing us, the ladies returned for pictures.

Poor little creature.  It held it's ground until we left, instantly, at the sound of something menacingly big and snorting in the trees just feet away.

That was enough nature for one day.  We literally flew into the car, locked the doors and left for home before the t-rex appeared.

Lunch at the resort was such a relief.  We'll rest tomorrow and recover for our next adventure.

More exciting days ahead.  Come back.


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