Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lajitas Golf Resort

The Lajitas Golf Shop resides in the historic site,  originally the Trading Post.

This is an impressive collection of longhorns, heads, skulls and gear.  For me it's a sad display and reminder of mankinds callous disregard toward animals.   A mass of headstones.

More historic buildings compliment the grounds.

Down this corridor is the Thirsty Goat and the dining room.

Outside dining.

Lajitas Peak in the distance.  Beautiful grounds.

Great chandelier in the Thirsty Goat. 

The hotel in the center with shops and fitness center.  This is a "rich and Texan" destination.  Private airport and all.

So this is our high brow "go to" place.  Tomorrow we explore beyond the compound and rub elbows with our familiar common folk.

Later gators.


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