Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Monument, Colorado

Heading further into Colorado and south looking for warmer weather.  Fortunately we got that, but we're climbing in elevation.  Our park, Colorado Heights is at 7326 feet.

Off we went to explore.  Our hunt was for Monument Rock.   We found it too.

Off in the distance.  Looks like a bit of a walk. As we walked we got better pics.

Along the way

Lambs ear used as wound dressing.

Up close

 Strange to touch the stone.  Mystical.

 A lady walking her dog stopped to talk.  She claims the monument is believed to be an alien beacon and landing area. Another feasible story is the original name was Henry's Station after a prominent settler.  In the late 1800s it was changed to Monument after the creek and rock.

Well whatever it is, we had a great walk out to see it and the weather held.

Enough for one day.  Off to Pike's Peak tomorrow.

Come back ya hear.

1 comment:

  1. We have been there several times and stayed St the monument RV park (RPI)
    But never found the rock.
    The Air Force academy is a worthwhile place to see. Love the chapel.
